Thursday, October 27, 2011

Base Period Plan

Weekly Base Period Plan (based on Max HR of 183)

Sat 1:30 Long on Trails HR 140-145
Sun 1:00 Recovery on Trails HR 130-135
Mon 1:15 Steady on Road or Path HR 150 (Start with short then the 75 minutes)
Tue 0:45 Recovery HR 130-135
Wed 1:00 Easy HR 135-140
Thu 1:15 Steady on Road or Path HR 150 (Start with short then the 75 minutes)
Fri 0:45 Easy HR 135-140

Before starting I did an aerobic test as prescribed by the plan. The test consists of running 2400 meters at HR 130, then 140, then 150, then 160, then 170 with 90 seconds standing rest between each interval. My initial test resulted in these paces at the given HRs...

130 9:14
140 8:43
150 7:55
160 7:19

I skipped the 170 interval because I didn't feel so good running even at 160.

We shall see how it goes.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2011 Re-cap

Injuries kept me from running the 5th Avenue Mile this year so one try at the 5:00 mark at 50+ years old has passed. Starting a new training cycle with a base period of undetermined length. As Lydiard said: "for as long as necessary." Using a plan based on one described by John Hadd on Let's Run. HR-based and meant to develop the full range of the aerobic system over time. I'll describe it in more detail some time.