Friday, May 16, 2008

What's this all about?

Way back in ancient times as I was approaching my 40th year I set myself the goal of running a 5-minute mile at that advanced age. I started only about 8 months from the big date and ran a 5:12 a few days after my birthday. A month and a half or so later I ran in a Masters Mile at the Armory in New York City. I ran the first half of the race at just about 5-minute pace (right on the heels of a guy who would finish in 5:01). Then reality hit. I finished in 5:24 and couldn't breathe right for almost a month. That pretty much ended my quest.

This time I'm giving myself 2 and a half years of preparation. I gauge the chances of complete success at something close to zero... but it's not all about the destination.

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