Sunday, August 3, 2008

July Re-Cap

July marked the start of my first 24-week "season". The goal will be pretty much to build a base, add some T-pace running after a bit, increase the length of my weekly long tun, make some progress on monthly (roughly) 1-mile time trials, and get in a couple 5K races, probably Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

Weekly milage for the month was 16,15,17,21,17 for mostly 3 runs plus a competitive soccer game (counting as 5-miles) for most weeks.

I did a mid-month time trial on the treadmill running for 8 minutes at 8.7 mph (6:54 pace) and a 2% incline. This didn't feel that hard but about an hour afterwards I had to take a nap. I'll use these 8-minute runs on the treadmill eash month or so to establish that I'm making progress. I like the treadmill for this because it will prevent me from making too much progress and over dong things (assuming I choose an appropriate pace).

I got in 1 T-pace run: 1.25 miles easy, 2.5 miles in 20 minutes @ 8:00 pace, finishing with 1.25 miles easy. It felt really good to get this kind of run in.

The last run of the month was an easy 7-miler: 8:48 pace out, 8:58 back. I hadn't run as far as 7 miles in many years and this was a good bit faster than my suggested easy pace of 9:31. I was a bit heavy legged the last 1/2 mile or so but my pulse was within the right range and afterwards I felt fine.

I got in a good number of days on core strength work, usually 2 days a week.

I started the month weighing 162 and finished at 159.

All in all very good progress for month number 1.

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