Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Long Layoff and Lost Brook Trail Race

Had a somewhat long layoff for all of February and the 1st 2 weeks of March. Got sick for 10 days then had back spasm issues for 4 weeks. Finally got in 2 weeks of somewhat steady running leading up to the Lost Brook Trail Race that was held in the Tenafly Nature Center. Back in the fall I had harbored fantasies of running near 80 minutes for the 10-mile version of the race. As it was I ran the first 50-mile loop with Will and the second 5-mile loop on my own. Will did the 5 in 52:13. I did the second loop in 41:30. That would have been good for 6th place in the 5-mile race. (5th was 41:00... 4th was in the 37s... so might have been able to snag a top 5). Think a could have done 85:00 if had gone steady around 8:30 pace.

Muddy Marathon is at the end of the month so need to keep re-building the base and get in some big hills.

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