Friday, December 4, 2009


After successful base-building and hill/resistance periods where I steadily progressed from the slow end of my training ranges to the fast end I began the anaerobic/sharpening phase. After my first tempo run I ended up with a sore quad during the following day's recovery run. A couple days of ice fixed that up. After the next week's tempo effort I came down with a cold. For a week. Coincidence? Now that the cold is over I tried an easy jog and my left hamstring tightened up. I need ot take next week off for other reasons so it's no going to be almost a month long or longer break at the least. I had planned on running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning but that was right in the middle of my week-long cold so I had to skip that. Based on my training and other factors I was hoping to run about 19:10. Hopefully I'll get back to some running mid-December and be able to start a new training cycle with the New year.

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